Diary of a happy black woman

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Click It or Ticket
Hey guys and gals, first let me start off by saying have a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend. We usually hear the term "Click it or Ticket" around this time because it is the start of the Summer holidays, parties, gatherings and road trips. The Po Po (5-O', cops, police) tell us to click on those seatbelts to help keep us safe from all of the drunk drivers on the road. So please be aware of this. This is no small thing. Of course, it is always good to pray and ask God to send angels of protection to camp around and about you......but YOU also need to use wisdom so buckle up. OKAY?
I am aware that 95% of my readers ARE NOT BLOGGERS and do not have access to the blog to leave comments. So many of you have e-mailed comments to me saying that you were happy I was blogging again. I just wanted to let all of you know that your comments were very appreciated. Feel free to e-mail your comments anytime. (Phito, I did receive your comment that you went back and re-read all of the archives again just for laughs)....that was so sweet. Another way you all can let me know that you stopped by, is by CLICKING onto my profile page. NO, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO READ MY PROFILE PAGE EVER AGAIN! But if you CLICK it, the number in the bottom left hand corner will go up and I will know that you stopped by to read the latest. So do me a favor everytime you stop by to read.....CLICK IT or get a TICKET!
P.S. Um, Hell'er (hello) Please don't make me have to send Ma'Dear up to the front door of your house or come up to your job with your TICKET and her PIECE OF STEEL. Do yourself a favor and just CLICK IT!


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